Thursday, October 6, 2016

Book of Job part one

Hey guys so for tonight's homework, Mr. Reiff assigned us to read from Genesis, The Book of Job part one and compare and contrast this story to the other stories that we read in Genesis. When I read the Book of Job, I noticed a couple some differences and a similarity. One difference that I found in this story compared to the other stories that we read (like the Tower of Babel, Noah's arc, Adam and Eve, Abraham and Isaac, etc) was that this story used a different type of language in it. I noticed it used the words "thy" and "thou" and other words like that. The other Genesis stories didn't use older English like that. They used language that we speak today. A quote from this story that shows that it used different words for language is “Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But put forth thy hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will curse thee to thy face.” One similarity that I found between the all the stories is that it always involves God punishing people. In Adam and Eve, God banished Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. In Noah's arc, God killed all humans with an enormous flood. In the Tower of Babel, God scattered the people with different languages. In Abraham, God made Abraham live his life knowing that he almost killed his son Issac. In the book of job, God tortured job and ruined his life. Another difference between this story and all the other Genesis stories was that it used repetition. In the story, repeated times an angel would go up to Job and tell him something tragic that God inflicted on Job's life and ended with the the phrase, "and I alone have escaped to tell you."


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